Open Position
Human Resources Manager
St. Francis Area Schools
763-753-7704 FAX
All employees of St. Francis Area Schools, contracted at or above 1,020 hours per year, are eligible for optional benefits.
Open enrollment is in the first two weeks of May. Benefit-eligible employees can enroll, cancel or change their optional benefits during open enrollment.
Benefit-eligible employees have the option to enroll in medical, dental, flexible spending accounts and supplemental and/or dependent life at the time of:
during open enrollment
within 30 days of a qualifying life event*
*Examples of a qualifying life event:
marriage, divorce or legal separation
birth or adoption of a child
death of a spouse
You or your spouse take an unpaid leave of absence
change in residence or work location that affects benefits eligibility for the employee or your covered dependent(s)
your child meets or fails to meet the plan's eligibility rules (for example student status changes)
You or your spouse have a change in employment status
Significant increase or decrease in plan benefits or cost
NOTE: For fillable PDF forms, first download to your computer and open with Adobe Reader. This will allow you to fill in the blanks, save, print and email the form.
Benefit Enrollment Guide
Please use the link below to view information on the enrollment process.