Each and every day, in the classroom and beyond school walls, St. Francis Area Schools is working to achieve its mission to equip all students with the knowledge and skills to empower them to achieve their dreams and full potential while becoming responsible citizens in a dynamic world. Thank you for choosing St. Francis Area Schools!

Not sure if you are a resident?
Not sure which school your student will attend? View this map or call one of the schools listed to establish residency.
During the enrollment process, parents/guardians will be asked for the following information:
Household information - address, phone numbers
Parent information - work and cell phone numbers, email addresses
Student information - demographic, health and transportation information
Emergency contact - names, addresses, phone numbers
Proof of Residency (1 required)
Utility bill with correct address within the last 2 months
Lease agreement, copy of front page
Purchase agreement, property papers or lease
Parents/guardians can start the enrollment process for the current school year and save the information entered and return to finish at a later time. Please note that enrollment for new families for the next school year begins in January. (This includes new kindergarten families and families new to the SFAS school district attendance boundaries).
To get started, click on the Online Enrollment button to begin the enrollment process for kindergarten through grade 12 students. Please do not enroll students who are already attending St. Francis Area Schools. Student enrollments will automatically be carried forward each year. If families are enrolling a kindergartner and already have a student in the district, please use the Parent Portal to enroll the new kindergarten student.
Open Enrollment - For Students Who Reside Outside of the District
We welcome open-enrollment students! If you are not a district resident and would like to enroll in St. Francis Area Schools.
Inter-District Transfer
Elementary Inter-district Transfer Form
For Grades 6-12 — Please contact your student's school counselor to discuss the transfer process.
Early Childhood Enrollment Options
St. Francis High School • Grades 9-12
St. Francis Middle School • Grades 6-8
St. Francis Elementary School • Kindergarten-Grade 5
Cedar Creek Elementary School • Kindergarten-Grade 5
East Bethel Elementary School • Kindergarten-Grade 5
Saints Academy/Saints Online • Kindergarten-Grade 12
Enrollment Questions? Amanda Leto, Student Enrollment
763-753-7017 amanda.leto@isd15.org