Dawn Abraham
College/Career Advisor

Ms. Abraham has worked as the College & Career advisor since 2007. She is passionate about helping students make a plan for their future and believes that there is no “right” way for students to do things. Her goal is to be accessible to students at any grade level to help figure out their post-high school options. She encourages students to stop by the Student Union to say hello or ask any questions that they may have. Appointments can also be made by clicking the link below.
The St. Francis High School College & Career Center (CCC) is a place where students can access information regarding careers, colleges, apprenticeships, financial aid, scholarships, skills and interest assessments. Plus, other information students may need to help them decide their future career path. CCC is open on a drop-in basis or students can set up an appointment with Ms. Abraham.
The Center is part of the Future’s Prep (My Life Plan) program which students start in 9th grade by taking the Future’s Prep class. The Center works with students again in 10th and 11th grade encouraging them to work on a plan for after graduation. A follow up occurs during 12th grade to make sure students have all the information they need to make an informed decision. Students are expected to explore three different types of careers during high school to gather helpful career choice information.
The Center is an excellent resource that allows students to discover options available to them post-high school and to find the best fit for them!
Some of the resources available in the CCC are:
Interest inventories and personality assessments
College brochures and application information
Apprenticeship opportunities
ACT, SAT, and ASVAB testing information
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information and forms
Career spokespeople
Job shadow opportunities
Mock interviews
Computers to access career and college websites
Please do not hesitate to email or call with questions. We are here to help.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is for students to fill out to see if they are eligible for grants (free money), loans, or work-study programs at college.
More information on the Federal Student Aid program
2020 Financial Aid Presentation has general information on how the financial aid process works.
What you need to know about Financial Aid 2020 is a very detailed video about the financial aid process. The second half of the video (at 35:45 minutes) walks a person through filling out the online form.
The College Fair will take place Thursday, September 12, 6:00-7:30 pm at St. Francis High School. Many colleges and universities will be represented. Other topics for example affording private college, technical colleges in the Twin Cities, financing a college education, and more will also be available.