Transition 15 is a secondary educational program provided by St. Francis Area Schools which connects special education, vocational education, and community agencies to provide services to assist students with disabilities in the transition to adult life (ages 18-22).


Students who:

  • Are currently enrolled in secondary special education programs provided by St. Francis Area Schools.

  • Have completed a four-year program at the high school level but have not received a diploma or other certificate of completion signifying termination of secondary education.

  • Have education needs in the areas of transition (jobs and employment, post-secondary education, community participation, home and daily living skills, and recreation and leisure) as identified on the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP).


  • An Individualized Education Plan written to facilitate the student's transition from school to the community.

  • Classroom curriculum emphasizing employment skills, independent living skills, community participation, self-advocacy skills, recreation and social skills.

  • Secondary level vocational career planning and assistance with procuring post-secondary support services.

  • Community-based vocational experiences.

  • Community-based experiences with a variety of available services and opportunities.

  • Integrated services from specialists such as occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech/language pathologist, vision and hearing consultants, work experience coordinator.


Transition planning becomes a part of a student’s Individualized Education Plan by the age of 14 or in grade 9. Needs in the areas of jobs and employment, post-secondary education, community participation, daily living skills, and recreation and leisure are identified and addressed through the annual IEP review process.

  • Students will be identified through the IEP process for Transition 15 programming.

  • A conference with the IEP team is held prior to beginning the Transition 15 program to determine the individual needs to be addressed and to identify the transition process.

  • Each year attending the Transition 15 program, the student’s IEP is reviewed by the IEP team and recommendations made. A minimum of one Progress Report is also completed within each academic year.

  • Completion of the program and eligibility for a diploma is determined by the student’s IEP.