Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA), provides financial assistance to local education agencies (LEAs) and schools, with high numbers or percentages of children from low-income families, in order to assist schools in ensuring that all children meet challenging academic standards.
Districts or schools accepting Title I funds are required to provide all children with fair, equitable and significant educational opportunities in order to obtain a high-quality education and to reach—at a minimum—proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Title I programs utilize highly qualified staff who implement instructional strategies based on scientifically based research and which are supported by organized and effective parental involvement.
We currently provide Title I, Part A services to Cedar Creek Elementary School, East Bethel Elementary School, St. Francis Elementary School and Crossroads School. Students qualify for Title I services based on academic need which may include results of common formative and summative assessments and MCA-III assessments, benchmarking data and teacher recommendation. Each school that receives Title I funding develops a plan to provide Title I support that meets the unique needs of students at their school. Please contact your child's school directly if you would like more information.
St. Francis Area Schools Parent Family Engagement Policy 2024-25
(formerly called District Parent Involvement Plan)
See the Title I plans for:
Federal Funding Notice
Title I, Section 1116(g) requires parents be notified if a U.S. Department of Education funded “Statewide Family Engagement Center” is present in the state.
St. Francis Area Schools Programs for Family Engagement in Education
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended (2015) provides funding under Title IV, Part E for statewide programs for parent and family engagement. This funding is used for grants to statewide organizations to establish statewide family engagement centers. A statewide organization provides services to an entire state.
At a minimum, a statewide family engagement center funded under ESEA Title IV, Part E must:
Carry out parent education programs and family engagement in education programs; or
Provide comprehensive training and technical assistance to:
State educational agencies,
Local educational agencies (school districts),
Schools identified by State educational agencies and local educational agencies,
Organizations that support family-school partnerships, and
Other organizations that carry out such programs.
Name of Center: PACER Center, Inc.
Address: 8161 Normandale Boulevard, Bloomington, Minnesota 55437
Phone: 952-838-9000
Email: pacer.org/forms
Website: pacer.org/about/programs/family-engagement-center
For more information, please contact the statewide family engagement Center listed above.