
This year Cedar Creek Elementary has offered a Kids Choir to students grade 3-5 called 

“Bee the Change” via Community Ed.  Their goal is to be kids who can “Change the World”.  This choir is led by our Music Teacher Nancy Porter.

At the first concert last November they sang songs and talked about ways they can “Bee the Change” in their school by being good friends, having positive attitudes, respecting others, etc. 

Their next concert is Tuesday, May 19th where they will perform a concert in the afternoon for the students and staff and then that evening for family and friends.  (concert is at 5:15 and all the public is invited).

For this concert they will actually venture out of the school building to “Change the World”.   They have chosen to support an animal shelter called “Ruff Start Rescue” that is located in Princeton.  This shelter is very reputable and the kids are so excited to help them.  

Attached is a flier that offers the types of items they are looking for and a QR Code for monetary donations.