school canceled feb 18

Due to extreme cold weather conditions, school will be canceled tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Conditions are expected to improve throughout the day and the decision has been made to have after-school and evening activities continue as scheduled, unless otherwise notified.

There will be no AM/PM early childhood programs and Kids Connection/Just 4 Kids will be closed all day. An attempt to reschedule Community Education Karate and Bee the Change Choir will be made. All other evening youth activities and adult Community Education classes will continue as scheduled, unless otherwise notified.

The decision to close school is not taken lightly and the safety of all students and staff is always the first priority.

Per the approved School Board decision for the 2024-25 school year, school is closed on the first two weather-impacted days during the school year, students are not given assignments, and teachers do not report to work. This is the second weather closure of the 2024-25 school year.

Reminder: Wednesday, February 19 is a 90-minute late start day.